Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wheres the "Deets"?

In search for a topic for our Blog 6 assignment to critique a classmate's Blog I came across Government for the People 2011's  "No guns on campus!" article. I agree- strongly agree with my classmate's stand on the debate, its not a good idea. As I read the opening paragraph, I wondered ...Who is debating? Congress? ACC? Texas? UT? As well as, What would the outcome be, if those for guns on campus would win this debate? I would have liked there to be a source of the debate to better understand the extent of the debate. I just now Googled  "guns on campus" and discovered Arizona has approved, guns to be carried on "public right aways" roads and sidewalks. The proposal originally allowed guns  to be carried in campus buildings as well. But if a person with a gun is going from "a" to "b" on a sidewalk and "b" is a classroom, are they going to drop off their weapon before entering the classroom?  7 states are debating on allowing guns on campus, including Texas. Knowing the debate is a national occurrence and could be approved in Texas, has now emotionally has heightened my stand against the debate. 
Cho Seung-Hui was the shooter of the Virginia Tech Masacare.
      My classmate made valid points on why he is against guns on campus. More guns, more casualties, gun related violence causes post traumatic stress syndrome, stray bullets can injure bystanders, officers on campus are trained to be diplomatic and rarely if ever resort to weapon use. All true, but where are the examples of these points? Sadly within in the past 20 years there are countless examples of why guns on campus should be avoided. April 2007, 32 killed  at Virgina Tech, and the shooter killing himself.  April 1999 Columbine High School, 12 students and 1 teacher dead and 21 wounded, these are just two infamous events that I can recall vividly watching unfold on CNN, many young lives lost. Guns do
n't just kill others,they are also a self endangerment as well just last week a 15 year old student took her own life with a gun in a Leander High School bathroom. Even if the gun carrier has no bad intentions there are still chances of accidents
       My classmate chose a great subject to blog about, we in this class can all relate since we are all college students who will be on campus and could be directly effected if Texas were to pass the gun proposal.The points given by my classmate i feel could have been stronger by using concrete examples similar to  the ones I just gave. Its a serious subject, with fatal consequences and could have better been defended. 

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